Maintanable CSS
I think all of you agree that vanilla CSS is more maintanable than any other solution on top:
- less potential technical debt
- no deprecation
- no additional compilation step
52-72% front-end developers use Sass/SCSS. Is there a reason in using it, considering that all of its features are either already supported in native CSS (variables, nesting), pointless (partials) or dangerous (extend, loops)? Let’s take a close look at all features listed in their tutorial:
- Variables
- CSS variables are supported in all major browsers since April 2017, in 98%
- CSS variables support fallback values
- CSS variables are dynamic
- Nesting
- CSS nesting is supported in all major browsers since December 2023, in 91%
- CSS nesting is logical and doesn’t have weird quirks, unlike Sass/SCSS
- Partials
Just link multiple CSS files
- Mixins
Just use native CSS inside of a class to define a mixin. Then you can either provide values for your mixin directly in HTML with style property (<div style="--color: #ff0000">hello, world!</div>
) or create an additional class that provides values, like this:
.mixin {
background-color: var(--color);
.red {
--color: rgb(255 0 0);
- Extend
This is a dangerous feature and leads to duplicated styles. Just use multiple classes in your HTML
- Operators
calc() is supported in all major browsers since July 2015, in 98%
What about Tailwind? I think it’s fine. I’ve tried Tailwind and agree that it makes writing CSS faster, but conflicting classes and dynamic styling are a pain. Well, Tailwind at least doesn’t add dangerous features, it’s just a better way to do atomic CSS. I’d stick with vanilla CSS anyway.
“But Sinskiy, CSS is flawed and is impossible to maintain and debug because of specificity and inheritance”. Well, you can use CSS modules if that’s a problem for you. If you’re not familiar with CSS modules, check out their docs. Specificity and inheritance have never been a problem for me, even though I’ve build some quite big projects with a lot of CSS.
Or you can use layers which are supported by 96% of browsers, but honestly I haven’t tried them yet and I don’t think they completely fix specificity because you can run into specificity problems inside a layer anyway.